Sections in this category

Dues Option (cobalt_duesoption)

General Tab

  • Name - Name of the option.
  • Dues Schedule - Parent dues schedule.
  • Default - Flag setting the default option. This is key since the default option is the one used to generate the dues items/orders when dues are generated.
  • Publish to Portal - This flag determines if the option is presented to the member when they use the online dues renewal wizard. If it is not, then members will not be able to choose a payment plan or other dues option on the portal
  • Duration Type - This can either be dated or termed. Dated indicates that the expiration is fixed (e.g. December 31st of each year). Termed indicates that the expiration date will be set X years/months/weeks/days from the current expiration date of the membership.
  • Default to Payment Plan - This field determines whether the Dues Option will be a Payment plan option. Click here for more information on setting up payment plans
  • Split Option - This field indicates how the system breaks apart and charges the OPTIONAL products when using a payment plan

Duration Tab

  • Duration Type - This can either be dated or termed. Dated indicates that the expiration is fixed (e.g. December 31st of each year). Termed indicates that the expiration date will be set X years/months/weeks/days from the current expiration date of the membership
  • Begin Date - The date the schedule will begin (if Duration Type is Dated)
  • End Date - The date the schedule will end (if Duration Type is Dated)
  • Term/Term Units - The combination of these fields determines the variable expiration date. If you want the membership to be 12 months, you would enter 12 for term and select Months for  term unit. Note that the options for term unit are Years, Months, Weeks and Days (If the duration type is termed)

When you create a new schedule, you will be prompted to update the duration set on the parent dues cycle. In most cases, you should click the OK button and the duration will be filled with the duration from the cycle.

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