Sections in this category

Price List Item (productpricelevel)




  • Price List - The group of price list items to which you wish to add this one.
  • Product - The product corresponding to this price list item.
  • Unit - This is always Primary Unit.
  • Currency - The currency you accept for this product.
  • Discount List - This is a discount available for purchasing in bulk. This ties to a price list item.
  • Quantity Selling Option - This field specifies whether the item can be sold only as a whole item or whether a fraction of the item can be sold.

Pricing - still need to finish the amount/percentage fields

  • Pricing Method - This field determines the method the item will be sold. For example, the item can be sold as a flat rate or as a percentage.
  • Amount - If the Current Amount option is chosen in the Pricing Method field, then this field will editable. Otherwise, this field will be grayed out.
  • Percentage - If a percent option is chosen in the Pricing Method field, then this field will editable. Otherwise, this field will be grayed out.

Rounding - If a percent option is chosen in the Pricing Method field, then these fields will be editable. Otherwise, they will be grayed out.

  • Rounding Policy - This field determines if a decimal is given, how the number will be rounded.
  • Rounding Option - If a rounding policy other than none or blank is chosen, then this field will become editable and is required. This field specifies the rounding option.
  • Rounding Amount - If a rounding policy other than none or blank is chosen, then this field will become editable and is required. This field is for the rounding amount.

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