General Tab
- Name - The name of the registration fee. This is what attendees will see on their portal.
- Meeting - The corresponding Meeting for this registration fee. This should be autofilled.
- Product - This field is a lookup to the product to set the cost of the registration fee.
- Registration Type - The type of registration; either an attendee or companion (guest, spouse or child).
Note: There can only be one registration fee per registration type per Meeting if the registration type is a Child, Guest, or Spouse.
- Begin Date - The day registration begins for a particular Registration Fee.
- End Date - The day registration ends for a particular Registration Fee
To appear on the portal and in the wizard these dates must be set.
- Form - If you would like to ask certain questions of your attendees, you can ask them in this form. For example, you can ask them to choose a dinner entree.
- Collect Guest Names - Allows the registrant to add Guest Name. It is Yes for Attendee type but can be optional for all others.
- Publish to Portal - A radio button that allows this Registration Fee to be available through the portal.
Description Tab
- An optional field for an internal description of the registration fee
View Query
- You can set a query for only certain contacts to be able to see certain meeting registration fee options on the portal.