Sections in this category

Membership Requirements (cobalt_membershiprequirement)

General Tab

  • Name - The name of the requirement
  • Mode - The mode is the key field. There are 5 available modes:
    • Manual - Manual requirements must be manually marked as completed by a staff user. These are good for items like identity verification where the potential member is going to be required to come to your office to show valid ID before approval
    • Query - Queried requirements allow you to query the system for other conditions to be met. For example, you could check to make sure that they've completed a specific course before approving their application
    • Order Paid - This requirement will be completed when the order tied to the membership application is fulfilled/paid
    • Command Text - This is an advanced requirement that allows you to enter T-SQL statements to define the condition(s) that must be met when the standard query requirement is not sufficient. These requirements should either be setup by Cobalt or a technical staff person with advanced knowledge of T-SQL statements
    • Audit - This requirement mode specifies a staff member will need to manually verify the information for the requirement to be fulfilled
  • Member Type - Member type the requirement is linked to
  • Description - Internal description field for more information

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