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Removing RPAC from an Order in the Process Payment Wizard

Here's how to have a member remove an RPAC donation from the Portal, or have an administrator remove from RAMCO.


1. Click on the Process Payment Wizard button

2. Click on the Order # link for the appropriate order:


3. If the person is eligible for multiple dues options select the correct dues option and continue.


4. Hit the Edit button for the RPAC:

5. Change the RPAC Amount to the desired amount OR click on the checkbox for “I do not wish to make a contribution at this time.”

6. Hit Update Order

7. Click Close on the Order form.

8. Click the link on the wizard that says “One or more items has been updated. Click here to refresh and update the amounts in the grid.”

*You may need to make sure that the payment type is filled in in order for the order to refresh properly. 


9. The amount for the order should update to the appropriate amount.

10. Continue through the wizard.


**NOTE**- If the person who's order you are editing does not match any of the queries for your dues cycle/schedules, you will receive a server error (See below) when clicking on the order in the wizard. If this happens, you will need to either readjust their membership to match the query, or edit your query. 

The KB below demonstrates the step by step process of checking the queries. (Scenario 2)




Source: Cobalt Support

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