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$0.00 Active Orders

We are frequently asked about why there are active $0.00 orders on a contact's order record. There are several ways this can happen, but the most common is manually created class and meeting registrations. Less common are duplicate, ghost orders in a dues generation, or manually created orders that were never completed by staff to add order products, but weren't canceled either. You cannot cancel or fulfill orders in bulk so, below we'll go through some steps on properly deactivating these records to get these orders off of the Active Orders or other reports and views where they aren't useful.

Fulfill Class Registration Orders

When you use the class registration wizard the system automatically submits the registration record which will fulfill the order. However, if staff is manually generating registration records those records are in the status "working" which does not fulfill the order, so the order stays active. In order to fulfill these orders in bulk it is best to submit the class registrations.

Do an Advanced Find for Class Registrations with a status reason of Working with $0.00 Orders.

Click Results to view records and edit. PLEASE NOTE : The system should now automatically "submit" these orders and completed them. In the case that it does not please use the following steps to submits the registration and completed the order.

From the Results screen select all the records and run the Submit workflow.

The status of the class registration changes and the order is fulfilled.

Fulfill all other open $0.00 Orders

If you've done the bulk edit for the class registrations you may want to see if there are any other $0.00 orders remaining. Here are the steps to find and handle those orders.

Do an Advanced Find for Active Orders with a Total Amount of 0.00.

From the results lists you can open the order record and either fulfill the order or cancel it.

If it is a legitimate order tied to a meeting registration or just a record that you would consider "fulfilled" then select that option.

If it looks like a record created an error like a dues order that isn't connect to a dues option or a manually created order without products, then canceling is fine.

There is no impact on your Accounting records either way, so really it's just up to you how the record should appear.

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