Issue: While using the Membership Application Wizard, the office you are searching for does not appear in the search results.
The following must be true in order for an office to appear in the Membership Application Wizard:
1. The "Relationship Type" drop down field on the Account/Office record must be set to Office in the account record.
2. The office must be in Active Status in RAMCO.
Offices that are inactive in RAMCO will not show up in the wizard. To avoid NRDS errors at the end of the process, you can also check the office membership. If the office membership is inactive, activate it. If it doesn't exist, the account must be created through the Membership application wizard. The Account must also have a Office Membership where the association matches the association on the Membership Application Fee.
4. The primary contact of the office must have an active membership.
To check you can simply click the link in the Primary Contact field and the At A Glance should confirm the membership status for the primary contact.