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Dues Prorations Are Not Pulling Through to the Order

ISSUE: You are creating a dues item or using the dues option to run membership application fees and the dues are not prorating as expected. 


1. Navigate to the Dues Option that is not prorating.

2. Select Dues Products in the blue ribbon dropdown.

3. Open a prorated product that isn't pulling through.

4. Check to see if the suggested amount field has data.

5. If it does not, then this is not your issue. Try another solution.

6. If it does, as you see in the example below, then remove the amount and Save. This field must be blank for prorations to work.

*You must make this change for all prorated dues products with this field filled in. You do not need to update products that should not prorate.


1. Navigate to the Dues Option that is not prorating.

2. Select Dues Products in the blue ribbon dropdown.

3. Open a prorated product that isn't pulling through.

4. Check the Pricing Strategy field.

5. Make sure that the value in this field is not blank or None. If either of those values is in your box then the system does not look for prorations.

6. Set this to the correct proration type, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily, Weekly or Tabular.

7. Save the record.

8. Check the prorations in the right-hand subgrid. The system tries to be helpful by setting the amounts to decrease incrementally based on what you choose (except for Tabular). Once you have saved the right pricing strategy, the system should update the amounts in the proration schedule. If no prorations are set, then you will need to set up the dates and amounts for your proration schedule.


Membership applications require you to have a join date so you should not see this error when using the membership application wizard, but if you are created a dues item ad hoc, this can be something to check.

1. Navigate to the dues item of the member. 

2. Check the Pricing Strategy Date. If it is blank you will need to fill in an appropriate date to get the prorations you want. In the example below the system will prorate products for the amounts expected on 4/18/2017.

3. Save the record.

4. Check the order to confirm that the amounts have updated.

5. If not go back to the dues item and click Recalculate Order in the top ribbon toolbar, under More Commands Icon (the three dots).

6. Return to the order and if it still doesn't appear correct, you can refresh the page and/or click recalculate in the top ribbon toolbar of the Order.

SOLUTION 4: The Dues Prorations do not have the correct dates

1. Navigate to the Dues Option that is not prorating.

2. Select Dues Products in the blue ribbon dropdown.

3. Open a prorated product that isn't pulling through.

4. Check the right-hand subgrid to make sure the dates are correct. 

5. If they are not, click on each record to open it and adjust the dates (often it is the year that needs updating)

**When cloning dues the proration dates do not update. So if you cloned last year's dues you will need to update the year for each proration. 

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