Manage The Waitlist
RAMCO will automatically manage the waitlist until the Automated Promotion Cutoff Date on the Meeting record arrives. After that point, you can manually manage the waitlist.
- Open the Meeting record.
- In the ribbon, click Manage Waitlist. you will see a list of all waitlisted registrants.
- Select any contact.
- Click Move Up to move the contact up one spot in the waitlist. Click Move Down to move the contact down one spot in the waitlist.
- Click Promote to override the contact directly into the meeting.
- When you are finished, click Continue and Close.
After the wizard completes:
- The Waitlisted and Number fields on the Meeting Registration records will reflect any changes made.
- The Registrations fields on the Meeting record will reflect any changes made.
- The Current Waitlist field on the Meeting record will reflect any changes made.
Cancel a Registration
- Open the Meeting Registration you wish to cancel.
- In the ribbon, click Deactivate.
- In the pop up select the status reason, Cancelled.