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Manage Waitlist and Cancel Registrations

Manage The Waitlist

RAMCO will automatically manage the waitlist until the Automated Promotion Cutoff Date on the Meeting record arrives. After that point, you can manually manage the waitlist.

  1. Open the Meeting record.
  2. In the ribbon, click Manage Waitlist. you will see a list of all waitlisted registrants.
  3. Select any contact.
  4. Click Move Up to move the contact up one spot in the waitlist. Click Move Down to move the contact down one spot in the waitlist.
  5. Click Promote to override the contact directly into the meeting.
  6. When you are finished, click Continue and Close.

After the wizard completes:

  1. The Waitlisted and Number fields on the Meeting Registration records will reflect any changes made.
  2. The Registrations fields on the Meeting record will reflect any changes made.
  3. The Current Waitlist field on the Meeting record will reflect any changes made.

Cancel a Registration

  1. Open the Meeting Registration you wish to cancel.
  2. In the ribbon, click Deactivate. 
  3. In the pop up select the status reason, Cancelled. 

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