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Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed Browsing

Using the default settings within your browser can make navigating through CRM a little difficult.  You may find that when you click on a record to open it, a new window immediately opens - ontop of the one you were working in previously.  And, after spending a few hours in CRM, it is possible that you may end up with 10 or more windows open - resulting in a cluttered environment.  And, if you want to navigate back to the original record you were working in (for example), it can be hard to find your original place.  With tabbed browsing, all the windows (tabs) that you're working in while be tied to and accessible within one window.







Enable Tabbed Browsing in Internet Explorer

  • from Internet Explorer, go to Tools (the gear icon in the top right corner below the X button)
  • select Internet Options from the drop-down menu
  • in the pop up window, click Tabs


  • in the second pop up window, update your selections so that they match those displayed in the screenshot below




Enable Tabbed Browsing in Firefox

  • click on the Firefox menu button in the top left corner, hover over Options, and select Options


  • in the pop up window, click on Tabs at the top and  update your selections so that they match those displayed in the screenshot below


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