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Customizing report text (Using Visual Studio)

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Caution: Always keep a copy of the original RDL file before uploading any changes. Best practice is to keep a copy of the RDL file within the ticket like the example below.

This KB will go over two topics using Ticket #123834 as the example:

1. Changing Text on a reports RDL file.

2. Changing where a report is pulling data from within RAMCO

Changing Text on a report RDL file

We want to change the section that says "Class name" to say "Course Name".

Find the Report you are trying to change and download the RDL file

1. Go to reports and select the report you would like to customize.

2. Click on the EDIT RECORD(S) drop down and click Edit

3. Click on Actions and then Download Report.

4. Add this RDL file to the ticket.

5. Open the RDL File with Visual Studio.

6. From here click Ctrl+F and look for the text you are attempting to change. Ensure there is only 1 result.

7. Change that to the desired text.

8. Save the File, Insert it into the Report, and test. NOTE: If the Report breaks, simply insert the original file you saved into the ticket.


Changing where a report is pulling data from within RAMCO

Goal: Change the Look up of the two fields below from. It is currently pulling data from the Course record and we want it to pull from the Class record.

1. Repeat steps 1-5 from the previous list of steps.

2. In CRM, find the schema name of the field it is currently pulling data from by using the "Schema Names As Labels".

3. Search by the schema names of the fields you are trying to change (Ctrl+F)

4. This line in the RDL searches the Entity and then the schema name of the field. Depending on what you are changing this to, you will either update only the schema or both the Entity and schema.

In this example we want the report to pull data from the class record and it is currently looking into the course record (filteredcobalt_course.cobalt_coursenumber)

To find the Name of the class entity we can use PowerPane and use Entity Info

5. Find the Schema name of the field you WANT the report to pull from using power pane.

6. Replace the Data in the RDL file to the new Schema Name (and Entity if needed).

7. Save the File, Insert it into the Report, and test. NOTE: If the Report breaks, simply insert the original file you saved into the ticket.


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