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Testing Payments Plans and Dues Payments Prior to Dues Generation

If you've configured your dues cycle, dues schedules, dues options, and dues products but would like to test your configuration before you generate dues, there is a simple process for doing so:

1. Reconfigure your Master query and the Schedule Query for whichever schedule you are testing so that they only show one membership, such as a test membership.

*Remember that a membership should only show in one Schedule query, so be careful, when testing, that your test membership only appears in the Schedule Query that you are testing.

2. Manually create a dues item for the test membership. This will automatically generate an order for them.

3. Attempt to process this order via the process payment wizard or through the portal to observe whether any errors appear or if your configuration doesn't appear to operate as desired. If you are experiencing issues that you're unable to troubleshoot, contact support. We'll provide a closer look at your dues.

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