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Association Transfer of an Office or Member

When a Member decides to change their Primary Association to your association there needs to be a Transfer Message sent to M1 in order to allow your association to become the Point of Entry (POE). There are very specific directions that must be covered in order to get this Transfer Message accepted by M1. This Article will cover these directions.

Current NAR Member joining your association as Primary

In the case of a Member that already has a M1 Member Number that wants to switch primaries to your association there is no need to create a new NRDS ID. Instead we can simply create a new Contact Record and Input their First Name, Last Name, and M1 Member Number. Once we save the record RAMCO will download the information that M1 contains about the Member including their Memberships and COE information.

Once the information is downloaded you can process the Member through a Membership Application through the Membership Application Wizard in order to generate a Primary Membership for your Association. In the background this will send a Transfer Message up to NRDS to allow your association to become the new Primary Association.

It's important that we do this through the Wizard because it sends messages in the background to M1 that can only be sent using the Wizard. Otherwise there will be a error that claims you are not the POE and M1 will not accept any changes you make like COE entries for example.


1. Create new Contact Record

2. Input First Name, Last Name, and M1 Member Number

3. Save

4. Process Membership Application for new Primary through the Membership Application Wizard to generate a new Primary Membership with you Association.

Transferring an Office to your Association that currently has a M1 Member Number

For offices, there are a couple of extra steps that we must cover so make sure that a Transfer Message gets sent and accepted by M1. Currently RAMCO is not designed to transfer an Office to another Association through RAMCO. This must be triggered through M1 which will send a message to RAMCO which will then change the current Primary Membership of the Office to a Secondary. Before triggering the Transfer Message in M1, If the Office isn't already in your system then you will need to create a new Account Record and input the M1 Member Number for the Office which will download the current Membership information in your system. After transferring the Office to your association in M1, you will then have to manually create a Primary Membership for your association.


1. Transfer Membership to your association in M1

2. Check that the current Membership was updated in M1 and your RAMCO System to a Secondary Membership.

3. Manually Create new Primary Membership for your association


More Resources

These steps are specifically for a Member or Office with an existing M1 Member. For information on how to process a brand new member and either search for or add an office you can watch this video created by the RAMCO Education Team:

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