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Configure and Customize the Portal Home Page Display - Add, Edit, Remove Tiles

The portal Home Page can be customized to display different tiles. Additionally, each tile contains different information and it can also be customized to display certain information.

Updated for current code:

Cobalt 3.7

Note: The ability to configure the portal home page tiles was introduced in Cobalt 3.7. For any clients on previous versions, it will require a code change to customize the tiles.

1. From the Portal, navigate to the Web Element Designer.

Click here for steps on how to navigate to the standalone Web Element Designer.

Click here for steps on how to navigate to the embedded Web Element Designer.

2. Expand the Web Element Generator by clicking the arrow on the left-side of the designer.

4. Adding Tiles

4.1. Click the Add button under the desired column.

4.2. Click the drop-down arrow for Section Type and select the tile to be added.

Note: The list will include all tile options even those already displaying on the portal. If desired a tile can be added multiple times.

4.3. Click Add

4.4. Enter values to customize the tile.

Depending on the tile selected, there are different configuration options that can be adjusted.

Many options have been made configurable. However, if an option is not displaying it is because it is hard-coded. It would be a request for enhancement and require a code change to make the desired option configurable.

4.5. Click Save.

5. Editing Tiles

5.1. Click Edit next to the tile that needs to be adjusted.

5.2. Enter new values

5.3. Click Save

6. Deleting Tiles

6.1. Click Delete next to the tile that needs to be deleted.

6.2. Click Delete to confirm.

7. Displaying Alerts

7.1. Under Display Alerts, click the drop-down arrow.

7.2. Select Yes or No to turn alerts on/off.

8. When changes have been completed, click Close.

9. Confirm the portal is displaying as desired by reviewing the Home Page in the preview screen in the center of the designer.

10. To navigate back to the portal, click Back to Portal.

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