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Create a Marketing List

A marketing list is a feature in CRM that allows you to create different marketing groups of individuals and use those lists to create email campaings, or other activities in the CRM system.

Complete the required fields for your new marketing list and click Save.

Complete the required fields for your new marketing list and click Save.
  • Name -- Give your list a name that is related to the purpose of the list or makes it easy to remember/identify.
  • List type -- Static or Dynamic. See a comparison of those two types below.
  • Purpose -- Give a description of why you are creating this list.
  • Targeted at -- This gives the starting point for your management of members so you can select Contacts (most common), Accounts, or Leads.
  • Source -- where did the information come from if applicable.
  • Currency -- what currency will be the default.
  • Modified On -- this will adjust automatically to show the most recent date the list was updated.
  • Cost -- Specify a cost associated with the campagin.
  • Last Used on -- Will automatically update with the most recent campaign associated with the marketing list.
  • Locked -- Yes or No---is the list locked from updates.
  • Owner --- The owner of the list, usually the creator of the list.
  • Description -- Include any additional descriptive information here.

Differences between Static and Dynamic Marketing Lists

Differences between Static and Dynamic Marketing Lists

*Note that once you save your marketing list you cannot change the Static/Dyamic type so give this some thought before getting to far into the process. There are advantages to either option depending on your purpose.

Source: Hosk's Dynamic CRM Blog

Select Manage Members in the command bar.

In a Dynamic List you will be automatically directed to the Advanced Find, but in a Static List you have a few other options.

In a Dynamic List you will be automatically directed to the Advanced Find, but in a Static List you have a few other options.
  • Add using Lookup allows you to look up individual records and add them to the list. Useful if you have a small list and no way to really group them in an advanced find.
  • Add Using Advanced Find allows you to set a query and add some or all of the records that fit your criteria.
  • Remove using Advanced Find allows you to set a query and select records from the results or remove all results of the query from the list.
  • Evaluate using Advanced Find allows you to use a query to decide who to keep in the marketing list and will remove any you do not select.

***The dynamic list goes right to the advanced find and automatically adds/removes users based on the query. You can adjust your query on a dynamic list, but you will not be able to hand pick which results to include. like you can on a static one.

Once you have your query set, click find to view the results.

In a static marketing list you can select members to add or add everyone in the query, or adjust the query for different results.

Once you have your marketing list you can create campaigns from the Active Marketing List View.

Once you have your marketing list you can create campaigns from the Active Marketing List View.

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