If you have a lot of data to enter into the system, a data import may be the most efficient way to do so. This Dynamics 365 process allows you to import EXCEL files individually and grouped in a zip file as needed. The following article provides generic steps on importing data into the system.
1. Getting Started with Import Templates
1.2. Select Entity Type you want to Import and Click Download. Open/Save the downloaded file.

1.3. An XLSX Spreadsheet will open and you will be able to enter your data. *Note that you don't have to fill in every field for the import to work but some fields are mandatory. When move your cursor over the spreadsheet you can see information about each field.
2. Import a Single Record
2.1. If the record looks up to existing data then you can import it on its own.
2.2. On the data management screen click Imports

2.4. Attach your file for import.

2.5. The system will prompt you to select your data map.

*This step may be skipped if the system automatically detects your entity type, which it will do if the file is an xlsx, standard EXCEL file.
Unless you have already set up a data map in the system it is advisable to select Default (Automatic Mapping). If there is a customized data map it will appear at the bottom of the list.
2.6. Map Record Types

*This step may be skipped or completed automatically if the system detects your entity type.
If you do not see a green check mark, make sure that the entity type in the drop down is the right entity for your Source Data File. Ex: Contact Source=Contact
2.7. Map Fields

In this step you can choose where the data needs to go. Most of this mapping is done for you, but you may see some Not Mapped Fields. If there is no data in your source file you can ignore these fields. If there is data, you will want to make sure that the correct field is selected in the drop down list.
2.8. Review Mapping Summary

This page gives you a chance to make sure you have mapped the source file to the right entity and will remind you that Data in any record types or fields that are set to Ignore will not be imported.
2.9. Review Settings and Import Data

Allow Duplicates---we suggest setting this to No
Select Owner for the Import Records --- This will default to the user doing the import, but you can set this to another user if you want.
Data Map Name--- If you know you will be doing similar imports in the future you can name this data map and it will save the settings allowing you to skip through sections of the wizard. This is particularly useful for the Map Fields section if you had to make adjustments.
Submit to start the import process.
3. Check your new records
3.1. Open the import file to see the details.
The results will show you what happened to the record. For details on which records succeeded or failed you can click the links in the left toolbar. You will get information about which records failed and why. If the records succeeded you will be able to click the link to the record to see what it looks like in your system
4. Importing multiple records
If you need to import multiple records that look up to each other then you will need to import these records together in one zip file. You will be creating xml, csv or txt files for each entity, so you will complete the first steps 2 or 3 times depending on how many records you need. As you complete the import information you can reference the other records.
For example, on the Contact Record you can put the Account Name in.
On the Account you can put the primary contact in this format (Last Name, First Name).
On the Course Provider (for example) you can name the Account.
4.1. Put all of your files into a zip file.
On your desktop Right Click for the menu.
Click New and select Compressed (zip) Folder.
A new zip folder will be created on your desktop.
Move your xml, csv, or txt files into the zip folder.
4.2. Import with the steps previously provided.
Note that in the example above there was only one source file, in this case you will have 3 and will need to make sure that you map the correct Source File to the correct Entity type.
Contact = Contact
Course Provider = Course Provider
Accounts = Accounts