If there was an issue with the course or class set up and your member education records have not automatically gone up to NRDS, the steps below will allow you to remove the incorrect records and generate new records to send.
Before following these steps, first make sure that your Course and Class are set up correctly. Click here for those steps.
1. Identify the member and/or class where the Member Education COE records are in RAMCO and not NRDS.
3. Click Results and select the Member Education Records that failed (you can select all if applicable)
4. Delete (not deactivate) the Member Education Records
6. Select all the Class Registration where attended equals Yes and Mark it No and Save.
7. Keep those records selected and switch attended back to yes and Save.
This should generate new Member Education records and if the set up is correct, then those records should appear in NRDS. If not, please contact support.