Sections in this category

Invoice (invoice)


  • Customer - This field is a lookup to an existing contact or account record. A new contact or account can be created.
  • Total Amount - Total price for the Invoice.
  • Balance - This field shows the Order Extended Amount minus any amounts applied from Invoice Payments.



  • Invoice ID - This is the Unique identifier of the Invoice. This field will be auto-populated after the first save of the Invoice.
  • Name - This is the name of the Invoice.
  • Customer - This field is a lookup to an existing contact or account record. A new contact or account can be created.
  • Order - This field is a lookup to an existing order record.  A new order record can also be created.
  • Price List - This field is a lookup to the existing price list records. A new price list can also be created.
  • Currency - This field is a lookup to the existing currency records.
  • Prices Locked - Determines whether or not the price is locked. 
  • Order Paid By - Can show link to a contact related to the payment. This is usually the same as the customer but can be different if a DR or other party pays.
  • Detail Amount - Total line item amount for the Invoice.
  • (-) Discount (%) - Discount specified as a percentage for the Invoice.
  • (-) Discount - Discount specified as a monetary amount for the Invoice.
  • Pre-Freight Amount - Total price minus the freight charges for the Invoice.
  • (+) Freight Amount - Cost of freight for the Invoice.
  • (+) Total Tax - Total tax for the Invoice.
  • Total Amount - Total price for the Invoice.


  • Shipping Method - Method of shipment for the Invoice.
  • Payment Terms - Drop down to select specific payment terms if desired.
  • Due Date - Date Payment or delivery is due. This is set manually so your organization can determine how to use or if to use this field.
  • Date Delivered - Date all products in the Invoice were delivered.


  • Bill To Address - Open fields to allow you to enter a mailing label billing address.
  • Ship To - Radio button selecting whether the Order Products will be sent to the Customer's Address or the Customer will pick up the Order Product via Will Call.
  • Ship To Address - Open fields to allow you to enter a shipping label address.

PRODUCT SUB GRID -- View list of Invoice products. **We typically suggest editing the order and then generating a new invoice for changes, but the system does allow edits directly to invoice products here.

Description - Manually entered description of the invoice.

ACTIVITIES AND NOTES - Review Related activities and Notes if they exist.


INVOICE PAYMENT SUB-GRID - displays all related invoice payment records

BATCH ITEMS SUB-GRID - displays all related batch items

PRODUCT SALES SUB-GRID- displays all related product sales records. Note that product sales records are only generated for products with the type Sales Inventory so even if you have an invoice with products you may not have records here.

INVOICE CREDITS SUB-GRID - display sall related invoice credits if applicable

GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT ENTRIES SUB-GRID - displays all related general ledger accounts


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