Note: Contact records are highly customizable, and your organization may have many additional fields. In this entity definition, we will only go through the fields that are standard.
AT A Glance
This section displays pertinent RAMCO and NRDS information for this member.
Contact Information
- Prefix- Prefix to the contact's name. Examples include Mr., Ms. etc.
- First Name- The contact's first name.
- Middle Name- The contact's middle name.
- Last Name- The contact's last name.
- Suffix- The suffix to the contact's name. Examples include Sr., Jr., III, etc.
- Salutation- A greeting to address the contact. An example includes Dear.
- Nickname- The contact's nickname.
- Email- The contact's primary e-mail address.
- Billing E-mail- The contact's billing e-mail address.
- MLS Listing E-mail- The contact's MLS Listing e-mail address.
- Website- The contact's website URL.
- Mobile Phone- The contact's mobile phone number.
- Home Phone- The contact's home phone number.
- Office Phone- The contact's office phone number.
- Office Phone Extension - The contact's office extension.
- Preferred Phone- Specifies whether the home, office, mobile, or pager number will be the preferred phone for the contact.
- Direct Dial Phone- The contact's direct phone number.
- Preferred Fax- Specifies whether the home or office fax number will be the preferred fax number phone for the contact.
- Home Fax- The contact's mobile phone number.
- Office Fax- The contact's mobile phone number.
Business Details
- Company - The contact's Office.
- Job Title - The contact's job title.
- Occupation - The contact's occupation.
- Primary Field of Business - The contact's primary field of business.
- Secondary Field of Business 1 - The contact's secondary field of business.
- Secondary Field of Business 2 - The contact's secondary field of business.
- Secondary Field of Business 3 - The contact's secondary field of business.
- Member Designated Realtor - The contact's designated Realtor.
- Manager - The contact's manager.
Note: For more details on the NRDS Field of Business entity, including field definitions, click here.
Web Portal Details
- Username- The contact's username that he or she will use to log into the portal.
- Password- The contact's password that he or she will use to log into the portal.
- Last Portal Login- This field will auto-populate the date and time the contact logged into the portal.
- Last Profile Update- This field will auto-populate the date and time the contact last updated their portal profile information.
- E-mail Verified- If this field is toggled to No and the Require Email Verification field is toggled to Yes in the Settings Entity, the contact will be required to verify their email address. After the contact logs into the portal, they will be directed to a page that will them to either resend the verification email to update their email address.
- Terms & Conditions Accepted- This field, by default, is set to No. When the contact verifies they agree to the Terms & Condition in the Profile setup, this will toggle to Yes.
- Security Question - The security question asked to reset contact's password. These fields will populate based on responses from the contact's Profile on the Portal.
- Security Question Answer - The answer to the security question asked to reset password.
- Member ID - The contact's organization Member ID.
- NRDS ID - This field can be edited until the contact record is saved for the first time. After the contact record has been saved, generating a NRDS ID will require going through the Membership Application Wizard or signing up for a membership through the portal.
- Price List - This field auto-populates to the default price list set up in the Settings Entity.
- Last COE Date -
- NRDS RE License - The contact's real estate license number.
- Membership Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Memberships.
- Committee Memberships Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Committee Memberships.
- Active Orders Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Active Orders.
- Payments Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Payments.
- Class Registration Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Class Registration records.
- Meeting Registration Sub-Grid - A view of the contact's related Meeting Registrations.
- Preferred Address - This field specifies the preferred address.
Home Address
- Home Address: Same As: This field gives the option of selecting the Parent Customer Mailing or Billing Address.
- Home Address: Street 1 - The contact's Street 1 address.
- Home Address: Street 2 - The contact's Street 2 address. an example would include an apartment or suite number.
- Home Address: City - The contact's City.
- Home Address: State/Province - This field is a lookup to the available State or Province records. The Country field will determine whether State or Provinces records will be available to chose from.
- Home Address: ZIP/Postal Code - The contact's zipcode.
- Home Address: Country - This field is a lookup to the available Country records. This field can be set in the Settings Entity to auto-populate with a country.
Mailing Address - These are the same fields as Home Address.
Demographics and Marketing
- Gender- The contact's gender.
- Marital Status- The contact's marital status.
- Spouse/Partner- The contact's spouse or partner's name.
- Birthday- The contact's birth date.
- Anniversary- The date of the contact's anniversary.
- No. of Children- The number of children the contact has.
- Originating Lead -
- Last Date Included in Campaign- This field will auto-populate if the contact has been a part of a campaign.
- Send Marketing Materials - This field determines whether or not the contact will allow marketing materials to be sent to them.
Communication Preferences
NAR Communication Preferences - These fields are specific to how NAR will communicate with the contact.
- Publication Address- This field specifies the address to send publication materials to.
- NAR E-mail Address- The contact's email address that NAR will use to contact him or her.
- Include on Roster- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow themselves to be included on the roster.
- Do Not Allow NAR E-Mail - This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow email from NAR.
- Do Not Allow NAR Mail - This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow mail from NAR.
- Do Not Allow NAR Junk Mail - This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow junk mail from NAR.
- No Not Allow NAR Fax - This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow faxes from NAR.
RAMCO Contact Preferences
- Email- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow emails to be sent to them.
- Bulk E-mail- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow bulk emails to be sent to them.
- Phone- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow phone calls.
- Fax- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow faxes to be sent to them.
- Mail- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow mail to be sent to them.
RAMCO Web Portal
- Include Profile in Membership Directory- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow their profile to appear in the membership directory.
- Allow E-mail in Membership Directory- This field determines whether or not the contact will allow people to email them through the Membership Directory on the portal.
- Junk Mail- This field specifies whether or not the contact will allow junk mail to be sent to them.
Internal Information
- Owner - The name of the user that owns this record, typically the Administrator account.
- Join Date - This field is a deprecated NRDS field.
- NRDS Joined Date - This field specified the date the contact was entered in NRDS.
- NRDS Insert Date- This field will auto-populate with a date when the member is successfully inserted into NRDS.
- NRDS Timestamp- This field will auto-populate a NRDS specific number when the member is successfully inserted into NRDS.
Phone/Fax Countries
- Business Phone Country- This field is a lookup to the available countries.
- Home Phone- This field is a lookup to the available countries.
- Mobile Phone- This field is a lookup to the available countries.
- Fax- This field is a lookup to the available countries.