Sections in this category

Class (cobalt_class)

  • Course - A lookup to the associated Course that this particular Class falls under.
  • Name - The name of the Class. This is what attendees will see on the portal.
  • Class Begin Date - The date and time that the Class will begin.
  • Class End Date - The date and time that the Class will end.
  • Full Day - Indicator that this Class should appear as a full day event in the calendar.
  • Delivery Method - A drop-down picklist for how the Class will be taught.
  • Location - A lookup to Class Locations.
  • Meeting - A lookup to any associated Meetings that relate to this Class. 
  • Staff Contact - A staff contact that can be reached surrounding the class. This field contains a lookup to users.
  • Order Source - Lookup to the Class Registration Order Source allowing Form functionality and "Complete" button for Class Registrations.
  • Sponsoring Assocaition - This is a lookup to the association sponsoring the class.
  • Hosting Association - This is a lookup to the association hosting the class.

Registration Settings

  • Current Registrations - This field will auto-populate with the number of Class Registrations currently tied to the Class.
  • Current Waitlist Registrations - Displays the current number of people on the waitlist for the class.
  • Invitation Only - Toggle to indicate a query will be used to specify who is allowed to register for the Class.
  • Registration Begin Date - The date and time that online registration will begin for the Class.
  • Registration End Date - The date and time that online registration will end for the Class.
  • Max Attendance - The maximum number of Class Registrations allowed for the Class. 
  • Eligible for One Click Registration - If the Order for this Class Registration equals zero, the Contact will not be asked for Payment, and the Registration will still be submitted.
  • Publish to Portal - Toggle to indicate if Class should be visible on the Portal.
  • Allow Waitlist - A radio button to distinguish if the Class will maintain a waitlist.
  • Waitlist Automated Promotion Cutoff - Cutoff date for the system to automatically promoted Class Registrations from the Waitlist when a seat becomes available, from this point, Waitlist must be managed by CRM admins.

Outside Provider

  • Outside Provider - Select yes if another provider is offering or running the class.
  • Message - In the alert box on the portal, a message will appear saying Offered by Another Provider. After that sentence, a staff member can provide more details in the alert box, if desired.
  • Link - This field is where the staff user can specify a website to the outside provider or a website to something that may be pertinent to the class. Clicking on the More Information button on the portal will open the website specified in this field.


  • Description - When creating a class, the course description will automatically populate into the class description. However, a staff member can change the description to be class specific or remove the description all together.

This is what the alert box would look like on the portal, if the Outside Provider field were set to Yes and a link and message were provided:



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