Sections in this category

Class Registration Fee (cobalt_classregistrationfee)

General Tab

  • Name - The name of the Class Registration Fee. This is what attendees will see on the portal.
  • Class - A lookup to the associated Class for this particular Class Registration Fee.
  • Product - A lookup to the product that is tied to the Class Registration Fee. This is what customers will be charged for enrolling in the Class.
  • Cancellation Fee - A lookup to the product that customers are assessed for Canceling their Class Registration.
  • Begin Date - The date when the Class Registration Fee will display on the portal.
  • End Date - The date when the Class Registration Fee will no longer display on the portal.
  • Form - A series of pages and questions that can be asked to customers to gather data that is not regularly collected within RAMCO.
  • Publish to Portal - A radio button to distinguish if the Class Registration Fee will be published on the portal.
  • Description - A field for internal notes

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