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Manually Creating an Order & Invoice

Manually Creating an Order

For more details on the Orders entity including field descriptions, click here.

For more details on the Order Product entity including field descriptions, click here.

  1. Locate and open the Contact record that the Order is being created for. 
  2. Navigate to Sales > Orders
  3. Click the +Add New Order button in the ribbon bar.
  4.  The Order form will open. Fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk (except Order ID): Name, Customer, Price List and Currency. Order ID is a read only field and will be auto populated after the record is saved.  Customer, Price List and Currency should also be auto populated when creating an order from a Contact record. 
  5. If you are going to need tax on the order you must fill in the Tax Postal Code with the proper zip code before saving. 
  6. Click Save
  7. Add Products to the subgrid

*You can add existing products which look up to your existing product catalogue or write in products to create an ad hoc product.

Creating an Invoice from an Order

For more details on the Invoices entity including field descriptions, click here.

  1. Select and open the record for the Order that needs to be converted into an Invoice.
  2. In the tool bar, click the Create Invoice button. 
  3. The Invoice will be created automatically. All of the fields filled out in the Order will auto populate in the Invoice as well. 

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