By going to Settings > System: Auditing > Audit Summary View (see the screenshot below), you have the ability to view a chronological listing of transactions (events) across records and users in CRM.
Although going to individual records within CRM and viewing the Audit History is always helpful, the Audit Summary View is unique in that it compiles all events (that are typically housed in the Audit History of each individual record) in your system by date/time (along with other filters)
Additionally, by clicking on the Enable/Disable Filters button (see the screenshot below), you have the ability to narrow down the results that are currently displayed.
Example Scenario
Let's say for example that you believe you may have accidentally deleted a meeting registration for a member but cannot recall the member's name.
- You'll want to start by going to the Audit Summary View.
- Then, you'll want to click on the Enable/Disable Filters button.
- Third, you'll need to click on the downward facing arrow to the right of the Event column (see the screenshot below), select the check box next to the Delete event option, and click OK.
At this point, the system should automatically refresh the grid-view/reading pane and display all records that were deleted. You can further narrow down your search by also viewing who made the change (deletion) with the Changed By column, in addition to sorting by the Changed Date. If you double click to open the record, you'll find details regarding some of the data that was displayed on the record prior to deletion (including the name of the registrant).