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Removing and/or Adding Attributes to a System View

Issue: User would like add or remove an attribute from a quick find view.


1)    Go to the Entity you wish update a view for

2)  In the More Commands button Click System Views

3)    In the list find the View you want to update (Quick find is the most common one but you can update most system views)

4)    Open the view record 

5)     Click on Add Find Columns and select the field you want displayed to add a viewable field to the form.

6)     Click on the field in the preview display you want to remove and click remove in the right column if you no longer want that field to display.

7)     If you just want to be able to search the criteria but not view it in the columns you can add it to add find column

8)    If you want to filter certain date that the view shows, such as only active records or records with other data you can select Edit Filter Criteria

9)    Once you have made all your edits you can click Save and Close

10)    Then in the solution menu toolbar at the top click Publish All Customizations

11)   Refresh your entity screen to see changes

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