You may find that there are fields in the system or that you have created that you would like to display or arrange differently on certain entity forms in your system. You may also find that there are fields you don't use that you would like to hide. You can also create your own forms and completely customize the display with the steps below. This article will also give some basic information about editing the fields on your forms.
Opening the Form Editor From a Record in CRM
You can also open the form from the Settings > Customizations > Customize the system pages. By opening the entity there and selecting forms, but from there you have to know which one to edit and there can be multiple forms for an entity. So many people find it simpler to open the record they want to edit so that they know they are editing the correct form. Though if you want to create a brand new form you will need to go through the Customize the System menu.
1. Open any record and make sure you are on the form you wish to change. Form may be an option in the toolbar but if you don't see it check under the More Commands button.
If you want to add a field to the contact form open a contact record. If you want to add a field to the order form open an order record etc. Just make sure the form you are on is the form you want to edit, if it is not switch the form you are viewing before editing.
2. Click Form. Form may be an option in the toolbar but if you don't see it check under the More Commands button.
Add field
From Field Explorer list on the right select the field you want to display and drag and drop it where you want it to appear on the form. You can move it by dragging and dropping it to other locations until you are happy with the final location.
Move a field

Click on the field in the form and drag it to the new location.
Remove a field

Click on the field and select Remove in the top ribbon toolbar. **Note that this does not delete the field or the information. It simply hides the field from view on the form.
Click Save and then Click Publish

Once all records are where you want them click Save in the top ribbon tool bar. Once it is available click Publish and wait for the pop up to disappear before closing the window.
Refresh your Form
Press F5 or click on the refresh button when you go back to the record you edited in order to see the changes.