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Emails: How to Insert / Add Graphics

Dynamics CRM does not allow you to paste graphics directly into an email in a workflow, email template, Class or Meeting description, or when you’re manually creating email activity*. You can however, paste a graphic into an email using a link to a graphic that is accessible on the public facing website.

  • The graphics you need must be accessible from a public-facing website. Options to achieve this include creating a special page on your website that contains all the graphics that you would like to include in CRM emails, or the graphics can be hosted on a third-party image hosting/sharing site.
  • Once the graphics are on a public-facing site, navigate to the webpage containing the graphic you want.
  • Right-click the graphic that you want to insert in your email and choose the option to "copy image address" (it may say "copy image link" or similar, depending on what browser you use).
  •  In CRM, position the cursor in youremail form to where you’d like to place the graphics. On your keyboardpress Ctrl+v to paste.
  • The graphic will now appear in your email form, template, or send email workflow activity.

*NOTE: In some cases, copying the image and pasting it directly into CRM may work.

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