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GL Account: Entity Definition

GL Account: Entity Definition



  • Name - This field is for the name of the General Ledger Account.
  • Account Type - This field shows an option set of the available account types. An example includes Cash.
  • Account Number - This field will identify the account number.
  • Mapped Account - This field is no longer used. (Deprecated)
  • Description - This field allows for a description of the General Ledger Account.

Default Accounts 

  • Revenue - This field is for the Default Revenue Account.
  • Receivables - This field is for the Default Receivables Account.
  • WIP - This field is for the Default WIP (Work in Progress) Account.
  • Liability - This field is for the Default Liability Account.
  • Cash - This field is for the Default Cash Account.
  • Discount - This field is for the Default Discount Account.
  • Shipping - This field is for the Default Shipping Account.
  • Tax - This field is for the Default Tax Account.
  • Default Bad Debt - This field is for the Bad Debt Gl Account.
  • Default Bad Debt Allowance -- This field is for the Bad Debt Allowance. 

NOTE: There will need to be 1 of each of these Default Accounts set up as a General Ledger Account. Once one is created for one the Default Accounts, the appropriate field will need to be toggled to Yes. If a General Ledger is not created for each of these Default Accounts, there may be a problem with processing payments.


  • Tool bar where you can view and/or create Product GL Accounts associated with the GL Account.

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