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Question Types

There are a variety of ways to collect data in a Cobalt Form. Some will require you to create answers in the system while others allow respondents to enter in their own information. This is a comprehensive list of all possible question types. Depending on your version of the system there may be options unavailable to you.

Question Types

Single Line of Text

Single Line of Text

Single Line of Text is a plain text field that allows respondents to enter short answers to questions. Common uses include Names, Locations, or Titles.

Single Line Password

Single Line Password is a plain text field that is masked when being entered (note: the values entered in this control are hashed before they are saved for security. This means the value entered is not human readable and can only be used for hash matching (i.e. password matching)

Phone Number

Phone Number (country/phone) displays the countries configured in CRM and validates phone numbers based on the format specified on the country

Static Option Set

Option Set

This field can be used to give the user a static list of options to select from. NOTE: This type of control's answers have to be populated manually in CRM ( the control designer will not create answers or allow for editing answers currently). This is best used for unmapped questions where the options do not exist related to a field in CRM.

Dynamic Option Set

This is the default field type for picklists in CRM the values are pulled from CRM at runtime to ensure mapping works correctly. The values are pulled from the first "from mapping" found for the question. Best to use for mapped questions where the responses are connected to an existing field with options in CRM.

Static Multi-Select


Multi- Select is similar to the option set. The difference is that respondents can select more than one answer. NOTE: This type of control's answers have to be populated manually in CRM ( the control designer will not create answers or allow for editing answers currently). There's no corresponding dynamic control currently.

Static Two Options

Two Options

Two options are set up like an option set, but with only two possible answers. In most cases these are Yes or No questions, but do not have to be. The answers can be any two choices. Like the static option set, the answers will need to be created in CRM.

Dynamic Two Options

Like the static two options, except that the values for answers will pull from an existing field in CRM.

Whole Number

Whole Number

Whole Number requires the respondent to answer with a whole number, no decimals.

Decimal Number and Floating Point Number

Decimal Number and Floating Point Number

Floating Point Number and Decimal Number both allow respondents to use a decimal point in a numeric response. In most cases it doesn't make a lot of difference which you use. If you are using this as data entry or for simple addition, multiplication or subtraction, the Decimal is typically preferred. If you are doing more complex equations with this data you may find the floating point number a little more accurate.



Currency allows you to enter a valid monetary value. So for US currency this can be a whole number or a decimal with up to 2 digits after the decimal point.

Multiple Lines of Text

Multiple Lines of Text

Multiple Line Text is a plain text field that allows you to get more detailed information from a respondent. An example would be if you ask a person to explain or describe something that will require them to enter multiple sentences.



Date will pop up a calendar where respondents can select a date, or in the spaces above the calendar type the date information in a MM/DD/YYYY format.

Documentation Upload Single (with or without preview)

Request documentation from customers without development. Using this question type allows customers to upload a single document.

You can show an icon of a text document to let the customer know an upload is complete or simply display the link. That's what with or without preview means.

Document Upload Multiple (with or without Preview)

This works similar to the single document upload but allows for the attachment of multiple documents. These can also appear as file icons or links.

NOTE: If you add an unmapped Document Upload field to a form, the uploaded document will be added as a Note to the Form Response record. If you add a mapped Note field from a related record, then that field will be a Document Upload field and will attach the Note to the related from which the field was mapped. See the image below for a demonstration.

CAPTCHA (robot test)

CAPTCHA control allows for validating that a robot is not attempting to submit a form.

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