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Trigger the Dues Cycle Workflows at a Specific Time

People have come to us with the following scenario, the association wants to run a dues cycle workflow like apply dues late fees, deactivate memberships, or terminate memberships at midnight or some other time that is outside of business hours. So how can that be done without setting your alarm and manually triggering the desired workflow?

The good news is that there is a simple workflow you can create to trigger the desired workflow at a time you specify.

1. Confirm the Desired Workflow Is Set to Run as a Child Process.

If it is then you can move on to step 2. If not, you will need to deactivate the workflow and make sure the box is checked like you see above.

2. Create a New Workflow with the Entity Set to Dues Cycle

Note that my example is Apply Dues Late fees, but you can certainly set this up related to the RAMCO Deactivate Memberships or Terminate Membership workflows. But you will need one trigger workflow for each process.

3. Set the Process Properties as you see below.

Note that this workflow should be on demand only--make sure to remove any automatic triggers. I like to also remove this check box for the automatically delete option. You won't run this workflow often, but if there's an issue it is nice to be able to track when it was triggered and how it ran. So saving it is a good idea.

4. Add a Wait Condition Step

5. Click <condition> (click to configure)

6. Set the Date/Time that you want the process to run

Note that if running at midnight the time is 12am. That means if you are wanting the end of the month, choose the first day of the following month. In this example, the people will have until 11:59pm on January 31 to pay without the changes. At 12am on 2/1 then the workflow will update the records that are not paid. You can set this to anytime you need.

7. Save and Close

8. Add a Start Child Workflow Step

In the look up select the correct workflow. Note that if you don't see the workflow you want then go back to step 1 and make sure the desired workflow is set as a Child. If it is, then make sure the workflow is active.

9. Add a Stop Workflow Step

10. Activate the Workflow

12. Confirm the next morning that the data is correct

These Dues Cycle workflows have a lot of steps to complete. So while the system usually operates as expected it's a good idea to double check as soon as you can the following day.

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