Member financial records in NRDS are incorrect. There is either too much or not enough money recorded in NRDS.
Creating member financial records in RAMCO can offset the amount in NRDS. Positive and negative member financials can be created.
Creating a Member Financial Record
- Navigate to the Contact record the member financial record will be created for.
- In the ribbon toolbar (>), under the Membership section, click on Member Financial.
- Click Add New Member Financial
4. For the record to go to NRDS, the fields noted with the red asterix in the picture will need to be filled in.
*Note* If you are making member financial records that are supplementing another member financial (either positively or negatively), you must fill in a different date paid date than the date paid date on the original payment. If the dates are the same, the record will get rejected by NRDS due to NRDS thinking the record has already been created.