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Client Instructions for WP Configuration

If you're configuring Single Sign On (SSO) between your WordPress site and your Cobalt portal, you'll need the following values, provided by Cobalt, before you begin:

1) Your SAML Metadata URL

If you're also configuring your WordPress site to integrate Cobalt Embedded Web Elements, you'll need the following, provided by Cobalt:

2) Your Web Element Designer URL

3) Your widget site URL  

Once you've received these values, you can take the steps below:

1) Install and Configure SAML plugin

You will need to set up your site as the Service Provider (SP) for authentication on your website. We recommend MiniOrange Premium. Here is an article with steps on setting up MiniOrange.

In whichever, SAML plugin you use, be sure to set up your various CMS user roles, in their respective Role Mapping fields (e.g. Active Contacts CMS User Role would be assigned to Subscriber role).

2) Send Metadata

Provide Cobalt support staff with the SP metadata for the SAML Plugin. In MiniOrange Premium, it can be found here:

OPTIONAL: Create the Login Web Element Page and Send Login Page URL

Once Cobalt support has provided your Web Element Designer URL, your site content administrator will need to embed the login Web Element page for the system to use. Once you've done that, send the URL of the Login Web Element page you created to Cobalt.

With those values, Cobalt Support will complete the configuration and respond to you when it is complete. Once we've confirmed that the configuration is working, you may then proceed with setting up all of the other embedded Web Elements that you would like to use.

NOTE (On WordPress and Cobalt Code):

With the latest versions of WordPress, changes make it so that, while you can embed Cobalt Web Elements, they will not appear. This is due to the newer versions not being able to handle jQuery. Refer to this article for details on how to address that.

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