Updated for current code:
Cobalt 3.7
This article is for any client that will be using the embedded portal instead of the standalone portal. In order to access the Web Element Designer that is needed to configure the embedded portal, staff must be logged in. Therefore, the steps below need to be completed first to embed the Login web element code block. As a result, staff will be able to login and access the Web Element Designer so they can get the code blocks for other web elements that the organization would like to embed on their main website.
1. In the Login Web Element code block below, replace [PORTAL URL] with the URL of your portal.
<div id="cw-1040526991" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" class="cobalt-widget" data-loading="true" src="https://[PORTAL URL]/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fProfile%2fDefault.aspx%3fwidget%3dframe&widget=frame&color=&script=&ver=2.0"/><script>var js,p=/^http:/.test(document.location)?"http":"https";if(!document.getElementById("cobalt-wjs")){js=document.createElement("script");js.id="cobalt-wjs";js.src="https://[PORTAL URL]/App_Themes/Nevia/js/widget.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js);}</script>