Sections in this category

Political Action Committee (cobalt_politicalactioncommittee)

The Political Action Committee (PAC) entity is used to store general information about the PAC as well as the links to the hard and soft funds tied to the PAC.

General Tab

  • Name - The Name of the Political Action Committee.
  • Type - The type of PAC. This is a drop down menu with selections for Local, State and National.
  • Product - Link to the product in the product catalog. This reference is used when creating orders and invoices tied to PAC contributions.
  • Soft Fund - The fund where soft contributions are routed. 
  • Hard Fund - The fund where hard contributions are routed.
  • Description - This field allows you to enter a description for the PAC. This description can be displayed on the RAMCO portal so that members and other visitors can better understand the goals and objectives of the PAC.

For more information on hard money vs. soft money, see the Hard Funds vs. Soft Funds article.

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