- Name - The name of the Course. This is what attendees will see on the portal.
- Course Provider - The group or person responsible for providing the course. This field contains a lookup to the course provider entity.
- CE Credits - Continuing Education Credits. Credits that are managed by the Association for certification purposes.
- Designation - Lookup to the available designation types.
- Designation Credit Hours - The amount of credits provided for this course.
NRDS & Member Education
- Send to NRDS - Radio button to distinguish if this course should be sent to NRDS as a member education record.
- Code of Ethics - Radio button to distinguish if a Code of Ethics is required for enrollment.
- Group Code - Lookup to the available group codes. This is helpful for creating the member education that will be sent to NRDS.
- Course Code - Lookup to the available course codes. This is helpful for creating the member education that will be sent to NRDS.
- Course Number - Internal unique identifier to the association. Example: COE215
State Continuing Education Tracking (Optional)
- State Course Code - If the local's state association has specific course codes that local association should be tracking, they can track that here.
- State CE Hours - The amount of hours this course provides.
- Recurring Requirement Number of Months - If this course is a recurring requirement course, the number of months that is required can be entered here.
- Course Description - Description for the Course that will be inherited as the Class Description for any child Classes created after the Course Description is populated.