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Setting Up Payment Plans

1. Open an existing Dues Schedule within a Dues Cycle.

2. Click the Add New Dues Option plus icon above the Dues Option subgrid.

3. Click OK to update the duration. The Duration information should auto-populate.

4. Create a Name for the Dues Option that indicates it is for Payment Plans.

5. Decide whether or not this Dues Option should be the Default Dues Option. 

  • Typically, the Full Payment Dues Option would be the Default Dues Option.

7. Decide whether or not this Dues Option should be published to the portal.

8.  If this is not the default Dues Option, decide whether or not this Dues Option should only be available during a certain time frame during the Dues Cycle.

9. Decide whether or not this Dues Option should have a Split. 

  • The Splits Option field dictates how the system breaks apart and charges any remainder payment. So if you have it split with Last then you might see 333.50, 333.50, then 333.53. 

10. Click Save.


11. Click on the Add Payment Schedule plus icon above the Payments Schedules subgrid in the Dues Option.

12. Either choose an existing Payment Schedule or click on New to create a new Payment Schedule.


13. To dictate whether a Payment Schedule will charge a specific product, open a Payment Schedule

14. Click on the Add Product plus icon above the Products subgrid in the Payment Schedule.

15. Either choose an existing Product. The product you choose must match one of the products associated with a Dues Product.

For more details on how to set up Dues, click here.

For more details on Payment Schedules, including field definitions, click here.

For more details on Dues Cycles, including field definitions, click here.

For more details on Dues Schedules, including field definitions, click here.

For more details on Dues Options, including field definitions, click here.

For more details on Products, including field definitions, click here.



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